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Well, It's Time for 2023

As we say goodbye to 2022 and welcome in the new year, I have been reflecting on the word that I want  to focus on for 2023. After much contemplation and prayer, I feel God-called to the word " well ." As a Christian, the story of the woman at the well in the Bible has always resonated with me. In the story, Jesus encounters a woman who has come to draw water from the well and he offers her living water, telling her that whoever drinks of it will never thirst again. I want to be a " well -watered" woman of God in 2023, continually seeking and drawing from the living water that only God can provide. But what else does "well" mean? Well , it has several definitions and can be used in different parts of speech. As an adjective, " well " means in good health, not feeling sick or unwell. It can also mean satisfactory or good, as in "I did well on the test." As an adverb, " well " means in a good or proper manner. For example, ...

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