Let’s try this
All that to say - I’m not sure I fully loved the journey. I felt like a badass. I felt like a cool person that had grown consistent, but I wasn’t considering that I might love and enjoy the workouts and the healthy food. I think I have absolutely fallen in love with these things, but I don’t know that it had taken the pause and recognized the importance of that part. The loving it part makes it a joyful piece of your life not something you check off the list - I mean I totally can (and will continue) checkbox it though because accomplishing things can definitely bring me joy.
I did many of the Beachbody on Demand programs last year. One right after another after another.
But all last week, I was kind of dragging through my workouts, and I thought I’m supposed to be in love with the journey. It’s okay to pick things I enjoy, so this week I have started a new workout program - mine.
I picked my favorite arm exercises for different muscles and the same for legs, and I wrote my very own set. For the next month, I’m only going to do the lift exercises I love to do! I will repeat arms Monday and Wednesday and legs Tuesday and Thursday. Fridays will be my fun day for dancing and yoga or boxing or whatever strikes my fancy!
For the first time in a while, I am really excited about my workouts. I’m sure in a month I will be ready to switch it up again, but that’s the beauty of it being about a journey and not just the goal!!!
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