Pregnancy: 34 Weeks ... Slow Down!
Read about this week's "Slow Down" adventure after the weekly update.
How far along? 34 Weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: I know that I have gained more than 35 pounds, BUT that being said I agreed that we would have a tear free weekend so I stepped on the scale backwards at the doctor's office this week :) I feel better knowing I don't know!
Maternity clothes? Yes & my husbands clothes. With the crazy Texas weather we have been having lately my maternity wardrobe isn't filling all the gaps these days. I have borrowed some things from one of the teachers down the hall... thank goodness for her because otherwise I might just look like a giant slob!!
Stretch Marks? The doctor said that's what good thing I have going for me still, haha. No belly stretch marks. I will keep hoping that they don't show up.
Sleep: Is very challenging.
Best moment(s) this week: What a busy, busy week.... Best moment would have been our housewarming yesterday. It was great getting to show off our home and visit with so many people who love and care about us. My husband also took charge and handled all the food and did a GREAT job!
Miss Anything? Feeling comfortable lol.
Movement: Oh yes... Alien belly for sure.
Food cravings: Just hungry all the time. Nothing in particular.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The thought of greasy chicken makes me uncomfortable, but that's pretty normal.
Gender: Blue for Baby Boy
Labor Signs: Well... again I say everyone just PRAY that little Moose stays put until he's supposed to.
Symptoms: Swelling, Tired, Doctor Confirmed a crushed sciatic nerve, break outs, itchy ribs, heartburn...
Belly Button in or out? Oh so flat
Wedding rings on or off? OFF :( I'm so so so sad!
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy But Tired!
Looking forward to: Team E Rally this week with Cheer to raise money for a great cause!! Friday off! And Easter Weekend :)
This week was quite the adventure... I went to ER on Wednesday. We have been practicing a lot to prepare for our performance at the Team E Rally: Cheering for a Miracle. On Tuesday night, my wonderful mascot leaned over and asked me if my feet were supposed to be purple. This was the first red flag I should have noticed. I hadn't been feeling super duper & I had been swelling.
Wednesday, I woke up feeling puffy and sort of funny. I made my way to school and had to take off my wedding ring. My finger hurt trying to pull it off. I am trying not to take any time off work before the Moose arrives so that we can save as much money as possible. I decided to tough it out, despite some serious nagging from my momma & a few co-workers. By the time 7th period arrived, I knew I didn't feel like myself. I waddled (yes, thanks to my awesome back nerve pain I walk like a penguin) down to our athletic trainer and asked him to take my blood pressure. I am normally very low when it comes to BP. I mean they ask every time if I am dizzy. (Think 100s/60s or 70s) Needless to say when my BP was 128/95 there was some cause for concern for me.
I called the doctor's office, and they promptly told me to waddle my way into the OB ER. Let me tell you telling that to my darling hubby wasn't fun. We drove to the hospital and checked in. I was hooked up to several machines. Once sitting in a hospital bed, my blood pressure quickly started to stabilize (hmmm maybe I should have just sat down at school? lol), but it was good that we were there because the doctor came in and asked me, "Are you feeling those contractions???"
Like the blonde I am, my response was, "Ohhhhhhhhhh! That's what that is!" When you are majorly uncomfortable, your brain manages to skip some reoccurring pains and discomforts. The biggest concern was that I was having regular contractions every 5 to 7 minutes. They weren't lasting long and they were non-producing (so not actual labor contraction yet!), but it's still not what they want to see. They dripped a bag of fluid to see if they would stop on their own - they didn't. I got a super fun shot (that is sarcastic...) called terbutaline to stop the contractions. It made me heart raceeeeee, which I hated, but the contractions did stop. They didn't find anything else wrong with me and the verdict was.... This momma needs to SLOW DOWN!
I have rested my tail off since then and I can tell you that I feel world's of difference! I have just reached the time where I can't go and go. Friday was my regular doctor's appointment, and my bp was gladly back to normal. My swelling has decreased, and she said that our little adventure hasn't increased my risk for early labor or anything like that. She has officially put me on minimum walking/activity, but NOT bed rest. :) I will take my good luck where I can. I guess I just have to take it easy until after this kiddo is born.
It was definitely an adventure, but I know what contractions are like now. Sam said that it was little preview for him what we will be in for coming up pretty soon, too. I guess we are now just playing the guessing game of when will moose decide to come. :)
Keep saying prayers that Moose stays put as long as he is supposed to, whatever that means.
My husband and i got married in september 2009, after our wedding we expected the fruit of the womb but it wasn't forthcoming, so we went to different hospitals and met with different doctors yet nothing happened. in 2015, when i was surfing online i came in contact with Mother Iya fertility help. we engaged in all the outreached of she helping me get pregnant and prayed kingdom advancement prayers. Towards the end of 2015 , the doctor scheduled us for assisted conception but i refused to be used as an object of experiment anymore at the hospital. As i read Mother Iya testimonies of women she had help. i took five days to apply what she told me and use her herbs she sent me.and i remeber what Mother always say to me that you can ride on people's testimonies and it will be replicated in your life. So, i heard a testimony that struck me and the testifier also rode on another testimony. i did what Mother Iya told me and 2015 would be my last without a child. With that faith and agreement with my husband, i apply the herbal remedy and sacrifices Febuary 2016, to the glory of God, i became pregnant and in October 2016, i gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. i have to give thanks to Mother Iya for the glory she uses for breaking the yoke of barrenness in my marriage. native iya contact and +441133201124
ReplyDeleteI never thought I'd be writing this message but after 4 years of and nearly lost my marriage due to not be able to have a child, severe endometriosis and scanning, I was told that IVF was the only option. This was something we could not afford and had almost given up hope of becoming parents. A friend of mine recommended native doctor mother Sofia to me and persuaded me to contact her, she did a spiritual breakthrough for me to make me get pregnant, within 3 weeks I was pregnant (naturally!!!) and gave birth to our son in April. I am writing this message for those women who are at the stage I was at.depressed with no light at the end of the tunnel. Give Mother Sofi a try to help you solve your problem, and hopefully you'll have the same success that I have had. Here is her phone number +27635876438 . wish you all happiness in your marriage. email
ReplyDeleteI have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years of been married. My husband and I have been seeing fertility specialist We have done our best but no luck,My husband has a sperm count which goes up and down,My friend recommended a pregnancy product to me of Iya Hindi root and herbs; I applied all the methods and technique step by step as mention in the Herbs. Within 2 weeks i am pregnant naturally without any medicine,If you looking for natural pregnancy without medicine you can use this: .or WhatsApp.+19145295224 .
If you're pregnant, trying to Conceive or would love some advice in general about pregnancy, labour, birth and aftercare, please click on the link, .all prayer must be answered with the help of iya Hindi.
I was married at 32 and immediately tried to get pregnant. When I was unable to conceive I had blood tests for fertility and was told that I had an FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) of 54 and would not be able to have children. Even though the doctors knew that I had been diagnosed with Hashimotoās thyroiditis since age 25, no one bothered to check my thyroid levels. my TSH was measured at .001. My Synthroid dosage was lowered. a friend advise me to contact a spiritualist who help with fertility with his medicine, i collected his contact and explain my situation to him he prepared for me a herbal medicine which i took as describe by him. became pregnant very quickly, I had a successful pregnancy. I have my baby august 2017. to get pregnant at age 35 with my 2nd child in september 2019, thank you sir , this is his email contact if you require his help or Facebook at priest.babaka