Our Life: Halloween 2014

Happy Halloween 2014 from the Riley Crew! 

The day was spent with family and fun. Grandma and I went to a Pumpkin Patch in Arlington and took pictures with the boys. Moose loved running around and sitting on every pumpkin he could find. He's still not quite a photo kid... He doesn't quite understand,"smile," or, "cheese."

In the evening, we got little Moose man dressed in his costume - SpideyMan! And we went trick-or-treating for the very first time!!! I figured with as scared of people and cars and just about everything as Moose is that he would hate it. We determined that we would only go a few houses then home. Turns out little stinker surprised me! He really liked it. He didn't care much about the candy, but really enjoyed holding his bucket and walking up to the doors. 

What a fun holiday! I am so glad the holiday season has officially kicked off. 


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