Pregnancy: Wait, who? Pregnant? Oh my Gosh

Again?!? What?!? Well, yes, yes it's true. Daddy, Mommy and baby make three, so what's one more to make four?

The Riley family is pleased to announce we are expecting! Moose is officially being promoted to Big Brother. 

The Info
Due Date: October 8
How far along: (as of this post) 10 weeks

Finding Out Round 2 
I thought there was no way that I was pregnant again. I dismissed it as a possibility. Things haven't been totally regular for me in all things lady, and since I was only 9 months postpartum with Moose, we just didn't even think it was a real possibility. I had some oddball symptoms, and I do mean odd. I had several blood vessels in my eyes burst because my blood pressure spiked (a little known Preggo symptom, but since I had some high blood pressure at the end with Moose, it was my body's reaction to a fresh dose of HCG). I started feeling extra tired, and my nose knows before I ever do. There have been about a million things going on. There always are with a baby, plus Cheer tryouts and the unknowns for what I will teach next year. Our heater went out downstairs, and that's the point at which I decided to take a pregnancy test. Really, I took it, so I could see it was negative, move on, and keep avoiding white pants. However, that is not what happened. Instantly, I got a BFP! (Big fat positive.. That's fertility lingo.) I was in a little bit of Mommy-shock!

Sam and I have wanted another baby, no doubt. We knew we wanted our kids to be close in age, so don't take any of this wrong. We are ecstatic, but we are also a bit shocked!

Anywho, with all the craziness going on, I didn't want to tell Sam right away. I wanted him to have a few last, stress-free moments, before I dropped the second giant life-altering bombshell on him. (Telling him I was pregnant with Moose during the first week of school my first year with the same district as him was bombshell number one... ) He went to a buddy's diaper poker night, and while Moose slept, I took a picture of our postitive test and turned it into a video clip. 

The next day, I grabbed the computer and turned the webcam to record. I played the clip for Sam.... His response was great. His first question, "who? Who is pregnant?"

My response, "we are."

Total shock - then a mixture of "oh my gosh," "I love you," "wow," "when," and several more "oh my gosh"s! It was fun to go back and watch that together. 

The Blog Plan
We are beyond excited to announce this pregnancy via blog again!!!!! It is my plan to do a weekly blog, but let's be honest it might become a bi-weekly blog. I hope to add insight about what it is like the second time around, and I will be reflecting on the differences between my pregnancies. 

I still plan on updating Moose posts once a month, so you can still see that little wild man growing. I am so excited, and we are truly BLESSED! 

Lots of Love
The Riley's 


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