Praying With Mrs. Riley

This could be a little gutsy - and hey that's ok by me, but I'm going to blog about religion. That might turn some of you away. In fact maybe you already stopped reading or if you still are, it's only so you can criticize or eye roll at the crazy Christian propaganda you expect from me in this post. Here's what I have to say to that: OKAY!

In the past year, my personal faith and devotion has deepened like never before. We have miracle after miracle in our life, and there is no way that all of these things could be random! There MUST be a God, and he's a pretty incredible one at that. 

When you press into God, incredible things happen, and if you will just pray that he reveal himself, he will show you right where he's at. Sometimes we pray that he would reveal himself in billboards and other times we ask that he show is in the details. Either way, I assure you he's there, and his book is pretty amazing, too!

Last year, we made it a priority to find a church home for ourselves. We tried place after place, but nothing felt right. Then, out of curiosity of what the building looked like on the inside we tried Living Church, and we haven't looked back since. We jumped in with both feet. We joined a Life Group; I have just joined the volunteer team for the preschoolers. 

One of my FAVORITE things about church is the sermon. I love a good sermon!!! I love to take notes on a good sermon too. 

This one came from the Power of Prayer series.

These are notes from the "Monsters Under the Bed" series about fear. 

I LOVE to take these notes because I can come back to them a genuinely remember the message. 

This set is from the Christmas series, "Joy To The World." 

Finding and growing into our new church family has been transformative for our life. We are so incredibly blessed! 


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